Introduction to D.A.

Welcome adventurer, to the Deathcore Archives!

Altough the blog name is DEATHCORE archives i feel tempted to change it to MYSPACE archives but since my main focus is deathcore music that will be up to debate.

(Statuescrybleeding) Steven Bradley's (IWRESTLEDABEARONCE) old band.

Oh but where are my manners! I haven't introduced myself!! The big majority may already know me but for those who don't, I am Slaughtered and i run this blog along with another one called Victims of Brutalness (pretty dumb i know) and a youtube channel with the same name that i've been running since 2016. 


I initially starded Slaughtered to show my music taste to the internet but throught the years it has become a place to share lost myspace releases with ranges from Metalcore to Brutal Death Metal and even Grindcore and that's how i've been keeping it alive an relevant to this day.

My initial idea for this blog was to tell the story of various deathcore bands, but since my journey sharing extreme ''CORE'' bands has changed trajectory i'd like to use this space to share info on lost myspace releases in order to capture information about those bands/releases in one place and help me and others find them more effectively.

Usually, I tend to recieve information about these bands from you, so please, if you have a lost band or release from a band you're looking for, reply to this post with the information you know or whatever you remember from them, so we can start looking for those lost releases!


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